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List 160: Resource feature type

Last updated in issue 46
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
01 Required credit Credit that must be displayed when a resource is used (eg ‘Photo Jerry Bauer’ or ‘© Magnum Photo’). Credit text should be carried in <FeatureNote> 12
02 Caption Explanatory caption that may accompany a resource (eg use to identify an author in a photograph). Caption text should be carried in <FeatureNote> 12
03 Copyright holder Copyright holder of resource (indicative only, as the resource can be used without consultation). Copyright text should be carried in <FeatureNote> 12
04 Length in minutes Approximate length in minutes of an audio or video resource. <FeatureValue> should contain the length of time as an integer number of minutes 12
05 ISNI of resource contributor Use to link resource to a contributor unambiguously, for example with Resource Content types 04, 11–14 from List 158, particularly where the product has more than a single contributor. <FeatureValue> contains the 16-digit ISNI, which must match an ISNI given in an instance of <Contributor> 27 46
06 Proprietary ID of resource contributor Use to link resource to a contributor unambiguously, for example with Resource Content types 04, 11–14 from List 158, particularly where the product has more than a single contributor. <FeatureValue> contains the proprietary ID, which must match a proprietary ID given in an instance of <Contributor> 32
07 Resource alternative text <FeatureNote> is Alternative text for the resource, which might be presented to visually-impaired readers 52
08 Background color of image resource <FeatureValue> is a 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RBGA color in hexadecimal, eg fff2de for an opaque warm cream. Used when the resource – for example a 3D image of the product – includes a background, or if used with an alpha channel, when the image is irregularly shaped or contains a semi-transparent shadow thrown against a background 52
09 Attribute of product image resource <FeatureValue> is an ONIX code from List 256 that describes an attribute of a product image resource (eg perspective, content) 52
10 Background color of page <FeatureValue> is a 24-bit RGB color in hexadecimal, eg ffc300 for a rich yellow-orange, used when the resource supplier requests a specific background color be displayed behind the resource on a web page 52
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