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List 242: Battery type and safety

Last updated in issue
Value Description Notes Issue number Modified in Issue
00 Batteries not required The default if battery type and safety information is omitted 45
01 Batteries built in Batteries built in or pre-installed in product, non-user replaceable. May use <ProductFormFeatureDesciption> to provide further details 45
02 Batteries pre-installed Batteries pre-installed, user replaceable. Use <ProductFormFeatureDescription> to provide further details, eg ‘2 x 1.2V LR6/AA rechargeable’, with these details formatted as [integer] x [number]V [type or descriptive text] and usually taken from the outer packaging 45
03 Batteries supplied Batteries included with the product, but not pre-installed. Use <ProductFormFeatureDescription> to provide further details, eg ‘2 x 1.2V LR6/AA rechargeable’, with these details formatted as [integer] x [number]V [type or descriptive text] and usually taken from the outer packaging 45
04 Batteries required Batteries required for use, but not supplied with the product. May use <ProductFormFeatureDescription> to provide further details, eg ‘2 x 1.2V LR6/AA rechargeable’, with these details formatted as [integer] x [number]V [type or descriptive text] and usually taken from the outer packaging 45
05 Batteries supplied spare Spare batteries included with product, in addition to those specified using codes 02 or 03. May use <ProductFormFeatureDescription> to provide further details 45
06 Safety data sheet available (Material) Safety Data Sheet available for the product (including its batteries). <ProductFormFeatureDescription> must be used to supply URL of documentation 45
07 Technical data sheet available Battery manufacturer’s technical data sheet available. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> must be used to supply URL of documentation 45
08 Rechargeable Independent of whether charger is supplied as part of the product. Note that this is largely dependent on battery chemistry, but should be specified separately to avoid ambiguity 45
09 Non-rechargeable 45
10 Battery warning text <ProductFormFeatureDescription> contains battery safety-related warning text, generally taken from the outer packaging (eg ‘Warning – internal battery: product must not be pierced’) 45
20 Battery chemistry <ProductFormFeatureDescription> must provide details of the battery chemistry (eg ‘Sodium-Sulfur’). Use ONLY where no suitable code exists for the specific chemistry used 45
21 Lithium-ion For all specific battery chemistries, <ProductFormFeatureDescription> may optionally describe the battery construction – for example the nunber of individual cells per battery and any other physical details, eg ‘4 x pouch cells’ 45
22 Lithium-polymer 45
23 Lithium-metal 45
24 Nickel-metal hydride 45
25 Nickel-Cadmium 45
26 Zinc-Manganese dioxide ‘Alkaline battery’ 45
27 Zinc-Carbon Common ‘dry cell’ battery 45
28 Zinc-air 45
29 Silver oxide 45
99 Battery description <ProductFormFeatureDescription> may contain a full description of the batteries supplied (chemistry, cell structure, battery size and weight, number, capacity etc). Use ONLY if the product (or a product part) contains multiple different TYPES of battery that cannot be described with existing codes (eg a mix of battery chemistries or batteries of different sizes, within a single product part) 45
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